Paul Wishart

Head of CG

Paul Wishart is the Head of CG at Herne Hill Media.

If you could have a super power, which would you choose?
Immortality. There’s such a vast amount to learn, see and do on this world, let alone in the universe, and we’re given such a finite length of time to experience it.

What kind of coffee / hot drink do you like?
I really like a good espresso made with an Aero Press, but since our son was born, I’ve switched over to instant coffee most mornings to get the caffeine flowing as quick as possible.

What is your favourite movie?
Star Wars – Return of the Jedi.

What led you to work in this field? Or someone who inspired you in your career?
Luck was essentially what gave me my start in VFX. With a college diploma in Animation, portfolio of Arch Vis renders and after sending out hundreds of job applications to any 3D related company in Toronto, Mr. X brought me in as a junior Lighter. Shortly after joining Mr. X, the Assets team needed support on the environment builds for The Three Musketeers, so I shifted gears and pitched in on the Notre Dame and Paris builds. With each new show there came a new challenge, which quickly lead me to work with every department to accomplish the desired shots. This ultimately lead to my various roles, including Head of CG here at Herne Hill.